Mental Wellbeing
Mental wellbeing is just as important as our physical health and wellbeing, despite it not always being a visible concern. As students progress through school there will be times where their experience can become stressful, particularly for example, as they enter examination periods. It is therefore important that we focus on ensuring their emotional wellbeing is being taken care of.
A decrease in emotional wellbeing can lead to times of stress, depression and anxiety and in turn can contribute to physical ill health such as sleep disturbances and lack of energy. It is important that we are able to spot the signs of this and learn ways in which students can develop resilience and challenge their emotions in order to focus on a more positive mind-set.
We all go through times in our lives where we feel sad, anxious or angry and whilst most of the time these feelings pass, they sometimes develop further leaving us feel down for longer periods of time.
Therefore it is important to spot the signs and know when we need to access support and talk about how we are feeling.
Mental Wellbeing encompasses many factors such as:
- The sense of feeling good about ourselves and being able to function well individually or in relationships;
- The ability to deal with ups and downs of life, such as coping with challenges and making the most of opportunities;
- The feeling of connection to our community and surroundings;
- Having control over our lives;
- Having a sense of purpose and feeling valued.
It does not mean being happy all of the time and it does not mean that you won’t experience negative or painful emotions, such as grief, loss or failure which are a part of normal life. However it is important that we can spot when these emotions last longer and we do not feel our usual self.
Positive Mental Health
Positive mental health is not just the absence of a mental health problem but the ability to recognise and manage different qualities and emotions within yourself to stop the development of such problems.
- The ability to learn;
- The ability to feel, express and manage a range of positive and negative emotions;
- The ability to form and maintain good relationships with others;
- The ability to cope with and manage change and uncertainty.